Hamusonde- Kitwe Boys Secondary School, Mrs.G.M.Funga- Helen Kaunda Secondary school and Mr. We sincerely thank the administrators in particular, Mr. In this regard, this pamphlet may be of help to the subject teachers to effectively impart relevant knowledge and skills of English Language. It is for this reason that this Pamphlet will directly benefit the learners and enhance good results.

English Language teaching and learning has always been a challenge. It is in this vein that we would like to thank the people who participated in this project which will in no doubt help learners as second Language learners. However, this end product will help prepare the learners to practice English Language skills, be able to use the language and apply the similar knowledge in the Examinations.

It was not an easy project, as there were challenges experienced in terms of time, adequate research, resources and material. This was done with the view to improving examination results in Kitwe District. The English Language pamphlet was the great idea initiated by the Kitwe District Education Board Secretary, Mr.