I think I have a handle on physically getting it in there, but keying-in the HDM stuff to get it to work right is worrying me. So I've disassembled my Thinkpads to replace thermal paste but this is my first mobo replacement. Useful links: (select ThinkPad tab) (including lots of wallpapers) (#ibmthinkpad on Freenode) Related Subreddits. A can of compressed air may be useful too, and a bottle of isopropyl alcohol and cotton buds are good for cleaning, but not on the screen. The only tools you need for servicing a ThinkPad are a set of small screwdrivers and a nylon spudger (for taking the screen and keyboard bezels off), and possibly a pair of tweezers.Corporate bulk purchasers don't usually go for it. Not only will it have better brightness, colour, contrast and viewing angles - you will most probably more than make up the investment when selling it. When buying a new ThinkPad, consider taking the IPS screen option if possible, as it doesn't cost much.When buying a used ThinkPad, remember to check that the BIOS is not locked with a supervisor's password and that Computrace is not enabled and activated.Use the link to 'message the moderators' below to tell them. If your post does not appear in the queue, it's because of the stupid spam filter. For IBM/Lenovo ThinkPad laptop enthusiasts.